Dear Diary
11 weeks to Peninsula Marathon
19 Weeks to TTOM
‘New shoes and an eating fest’
I was horrified to notice that my latest pair of Nimbus lasted from mid-August until CTM. Literally 2 months!
I have worn Asics for pretty much my entire running career. I started out as a pronating runner but thanks to hours and hours of rowing I transitioned to a neutral runner. And, after a few years my feet broadened and needed a wider shoe so the men’s sizing suited me best. The Nimbus is such a good fit for me that it takes a few kilometres to wear them in. The problem with the Nimbus 24 is that the fancy foam is so bouncy that it wears down faster than the Nimbus 23. This is massively disappointing for a top performance shoe.

Every few years, for various reasons, I do a test to see if Asics still suit my feet compared to other brands. The record fast deteriorating pair of Nimbus meant that THIS year was the one for a re-test. It has been a tricky few weeks testing various shoes to find ‘the one.’
In order to be objective, I went to Sportsmans Warehouse Rondebosch, Sweat Shop Claremont, Olympic Muizenberg, and Totalsports Cavendish. I tried on a number of brands including Brooks, New Balance, Olympic, Mizuno and Asics. I have purchased two pairs of shoes - both of which tested fine in the store but after 10km plus there were issues.
My feedback is as follows based on my feet and running style
Brooks - Instep was too high for me
New Balance - one was too wide and one felt like my toe was falling off the front.
Olympics - too narrow
Mizuno - felt perfect in store but subsequently too tight across the front. Toes blistered after 1 run. (20km on the shoes and looking to sell)
Asics Glideride - Felt good instore but didn’t have my size.
Saucony - sole too hard.
Asics Cumulus - Harder sole and similar foam to Nimbus so felt like a good purchase. After a run, it left me with very tender toes for a few days.
The search continues…

In the past month and a bit I have resorted to so many old bad habits from overeating to massive amounts of sugar. I’ve been eating everything in the fridge. I am an emotional eater but this is excessive even for me. I have spent years unlearning old eating habits and years learning new healthy eating habits. And, I’m not the only one. It sounds like there are quite a few runners in a similar situation!
I think it has loads to do with post marathon life; the effect after the long run in crazy heat, the emotional and physical stress that comes with ongoing long distance training. It has an impact. As each week passes I see and understand the impact more and more. I’m sure there must be some actual research out there on this subject.
Anyhow, I've committed to the 9 month weight loss challenge again for 2023. Check it out here This challenge changed my life starting 2021 where I finished up 2nd in the competition.

Did you see that I've started rowing again? It is a sport I adored for many years and stopped in 2016. There are so many glorious lessons and technical elements to the sport. Plus, rowing in a long slim boat requires a large amount of precision. It is difficult to be anything but present when you’re in a boat. We row out at Zeekoevlei thus are subject to the south easter. But, when your boat is sitting well and there is a good connection with your blades, the boat will glide across the water creating a bubbling sound at the surface. Pure bliss. Pure elation.
Follow me on Strava - link is below
"Rowing is a utopian endeavour for the perfect stroke."
Next stop - Bay to Bay 30km
Hasta la próxima
Top tips for the week:
Shoes are so important when running. Make sure the fit is good for you.
Intentions for the upcoming week:
Ease back into a slow run once shoes are sorted.
Get back into healthy eating. Please!
Upcoming runs:
Here is my list for the rest of the year and some others you might like.
Bay to Bay 30km 23 January 2023 (0)
Cape Peninsula Marathon and Half Marathon 21.1km February 2023 (2) Two Oceans Marathon 21.1km or 56km April 2023 (10) (ENTERED 21.1km) SAFARI Half Marathon 21.1km May 2023 (1)
Festival of Running July 2023 (1)
World Rowing Masters 21-24 September 2023 (0)
The Gun Run 21.1km September 2023 (3)
Cape Town Marathon 42.2km October 15th Sunday 2023 (1) (entered)
32gi Sports Chews, Endure Sports Drink and Hydrate for running/snack fuel
HMT Vegan Protein - post run recovery. I loved chocolate for years and now love combining the strawberry and vanilla flavours. Takealot:
Invest in your own Rock Rabbit and get 20% off: Haylee20